The creation of digital savings is the mode to enter into Economy 4G3W to get webcashmatic results. Because to get digital savings you use a new economic practice called "datevaluation", not consumption, not savings, neither investment, the three economic practices used when you make into the Classic Economy - which is limited to the integrated results of these 3 practices. Be careful because you can do whatever you want within this trilemma, your economic performance remains limited. To break, please take your Do-G-Phone your hands on , shift from the classic asset into the property asset of your registered creations "Owndated Webquantums". And create by, 10€/1each one, getting for yourself, the best economic performance you had not dream. That webcashmatic result is from your datevaluation practice.
It's time to sell time, is an invitation for the practice the money datevaluation for webcashmatic results upgrading into Economy 4G3W (a web-based one). The new practice proposed is to shift the money from the classic credit asset onto a registered property asset in favor of the same holder. The user have to create "shifting each 10€ parcel onto 1 registered OW (Owndated Webquantum).
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